Much has happened since my last post and because my scrambled brain means there is high potential for meaningless ramblings, I will continue from here on out in list form.
1. Lela had her six month appointment at the end of September and Dr. Shirley actually used the word perfect to describe her. She also won the style award for the day with this outfit.
She also apparently has a big head. All her stats were in the 25th percentile but her head size was in the 75th percentile! But she is still perfect . . . according to Dr. Shirley, an unbiased viewpoint.
2. Last weekend Tawnya was here for Andrew's voice recital and Lela decided to sing along, so we enjoyed the singing in the hallway ;) She still made sure everyone could hear her and said "Da-da" real loud between one of the songs. She's crazy.
3. We decided to go to the Rangers' last regular season game that same weekend and invited Grandma and Jim to join us.
They lost the game, but they're doing good now :) Go Rangers!
4. Lela is getting close to learning to drink from a sippy cup, but it has to be completely full or she gets frustrated pretty quickly.
5. The crisp fall air inspires me to bake things constantly. We currently have pumpkin chocolate chip cake and chocolate chip cookies in our kitchen. Yum :)
6. We visited Natalie and Jonathan (our music minister and his wife) at the hospital because they welcomed Mackenzie Grace into the world on Tuesday. She's so precious and I forgot how little newborns are! I'm so excited Lela will have a new friend at church.
7. Today was one of those days that made me want to pull my hair out. Nothing seemed to go right and on top of that I had Lela scheduled to get her picture taken today and I didn't feel like I could reschedule because today was actually a rescheduled appointment. But it all ended up okay.
That's all I have energy for. I will now watch Survivor on my computer because that takes no brain power %')
1 comment:
Good blog babe.
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