Lela, you are five months old!
- You are 14.5 lbs. and 24 1/2 inches.
- You wear some 3 month clothes but mostly 3-6 months clothes.
- You now wear size 2 diapers.
- You can sit up without assistance for about a minute before you start to fall.
- You have learned how to get up on all fours, but there's still no forward motion.
- You were in a good habit of sleeping about 8 hours straight at night, but you recently began a new phase of waking up after about 4 hours of sleep.
- You still breastfeed every 3 hours. I think it's mostly out of habit at this point.
- You started eating rice cereal a week after you turned 4 months old and we have also added squash, avocado and bananas to your menu (you greatly dislike sweet potatoes!).
- We think you are not too fond of your highchair because we have to strap you into it and thus your full range of motion is restricted. You are also eager to help us feed you by grabbing the spoon :)
- You still like to travel and it doesn't even disturb your feeding and sleeping schedule either.
- You have started to reach for me and daddy when you want us to hold you.
- You are making new sounds everyday and sometimes it almost sounds like a word.
- You are eager to learn new things and you are easily frustrated when you don't master a new skill right away.
- You don't like to sit still because there is just too much to see and do!
Daddy and I love to watch to grow.
We love to dream about who you will become in the years to come.
We can tell that you are always eager to learn the next best thing.
You captivate us with your curious personality and your contagious smile.
You make everything so fun that it's hard to get much done when you're around!