Yep, she slept in her bouncer. But I was so nervous about her suffocating on the pads around it that I slept on the floor right next to her. But I was able to get 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep which was amazing!
Lela also had her first doctor's appointment this morning so I had to get up and going at a normal hour to make it on time. So I got up and actually took a shower and had breakfast and was ready to leave at a little after 9:00! Of course I accepted help from my mother to get Lela ready for the appointment and pack my diaper bag because I definitely underestimated how long that would take. Hopefully I'll be on top of it next time. Nathan came home from the church to go to the appointment with us. Here we are on our way.
Here are some pictures of us waiting in the waiting room.

I'm always a little self-conscious about taking pictures in public like this because not many people take pictures at the doctor's office, so I waited until the people around us left. Maybe I'll get over that.
This may sound weird, but it felt so good to be out of the house and in normal clothes at a reasonable hour. (When I say normal clothes, please don't think I'm back to my normal size. I had to make some "adjustments" to the jeans and the top is a maternity top, but still they're not pajamas.)
So we saw the doctor and she was so sweet. She totally reminds me of the mom on "That 70s Show." Anyway, Lela weighed 7lbs 3oz which was a surprise to me because they say newborns regain their birth weight by day 10 and it is only day 6 and she has gained beyond that! The doctor said I must have good groceries . . . that's a new one. I would've taken a picture of her but again I have a phobia of such things.
She also said we were good parents and didn't seem like the usual nervous first parents and she gave Lela an A+. But we did leave there with a prescription for diaper rash cream and she had to show us how to clean her umbilical cord "correctly" after questioning whether Lela has a blocked tear duct. So after all that, I'm glad she reassured us we were doing a good job.
I am excited to hear that Layla is doing wonderful! I told you you would do just fine! Your a natural. I hope when I have kids I can do the same! P.S. Dont worry about picture taking.. when Layla is older she will appreciate all the time you took to take those pictures. Believe me! Love you!
P.S.S. I have started a blog.. its not quite as interesting but still its a blog. You should check it out if you haven't already.
I love you Sarah but it's Lela.
I am loving the blog! Keep the posts coming. It sounds like you guys are doing great. By the way, next time we talk I have a funny story about one of the pics you posted.
Love you,
I will try my best.. L E L A Lela Lela... got it .. I hope..
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