For our first post, we're gonna catch everybody up on our life together so far. Nathan and I got married in May and we got Teddy in June for our one month anniversary. We live in Grand Prairie and Nathan is the youth minister at Meadowbrook Baptist Church in Irving. Nathan is going to school at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and I work at the seminary as a secretary. We are both enjoying ministering to and hanging out with the youth group and we look forward to many more years of ministry. With that said here are some pictures.
Our Honeymoon in Disney World.
We stayed at the Yacht Club and we rode boats to the parks from our hotel.
The Aerosmith Rockin' Roller Coaster was on of our favorite rides.This was the first day we got Teddy. I forgot how small he was!
Now let's jump all the way to Thanksgiving in Malakoff. . .
Stephen and I waiting for the party to begin.Tawnya cooking while the dogs beg for a snack ;)
We decided to go on a boat ride even though it was VERY cold.
So Teddy took shelter in Uncle Andrew's hoodie.
Here's one of all of us eating at the famous Bubba Jean's.
Hello Clardys! I saw your post on the Helgren's blog (missionaries in Zambia) and, because I have never met anyone else with the name Clardy, had to ask you if you (Nathan, I guess) are related to a Harriet? I know it's one in a million, but I had to ask! :-)
My hubby and I are both SWBTS grads (me, MACE Youth Ministry 2001, hubby, MACC 2003). We have stuck around the area waiting on the Lord. Never thought we'd be here this long! Hope you guys have a great seminary experience. In Christ, Sharon
Yeah, it was worth a shot. :-) Harriet was the secretary at my college BSU (in Georgia) for many, many years and we loved her dearly!!
I hope that your time here is wonderful. Maybe our paths will cross sometime. I'll probably check in on your blog from time to time, if that's okay with you! :-)
God bless!
We were accepted with Wycliffe Bible Translators back in November, and hope to be going over perhaps as soon as next January. We have a four month training course we have to take from Aug to Dec before we can go.
We actually applied and were accepted four years ago, but we ended up going on leave of absence before we ever started - mostly because of depression that I had struggled with for many years. So over the last 3 years or so we have worked through our own wilderness experience and just last fall felt that God was freeing us up to apply again.
A lot of the story is chronicled on the blog (but hopefully in a condensed, engaging form -without the laborious details of which there are MANY!) - lots of people we're communicating with don't know the whole story and I was trying to provide enough information for people to understand what we'd gone through and at the same time give testimony to how awesome God is and his faithfulness and sovereignty. We are planning to include the link to the blog in our next newsletter. Right now there aren't that many people that know about it.
Funny, you logged on to find the ONE lighthearted post (about the cat!) Ha ha!
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