June 23, 2010

Three Months Old

Lela, you are three months old today!
  • You are 11 pounds and 22 inches long.
  • You have mostly grown out of your newborn clothes and wear 0-3 months clothes now. Clothes labeled just 3 months are usually too big for you.
  • You are great at holding your head up and we now pick you up under your arms (instead of holding your head).
  • You love standing up (with our assistance of course) and you seem to be trying to walk or go somewhere all the time.
  • You have attempted rolling over but you haven't completed it successfully on your own yet.
  • You have begun to wake up at 3:00 am the last couple weeks demanding to be fed. I am hoping it's just a growth spurt and not a new routine :)
  • You still eat every 2 1/2 to 3 hours during the day.
  • You like to go places but this summer heat will make you mad in a heartbeat.
  • You've stayed in the nursery many times and the workers always say "she was a doll!"
  • When you hear mine or daddy's voice you look around to see where we are and always grin with satisfaction when you find us.
  • You are a talker and your little coos are beginning to sound more like words.
  • You laughed a real laugh today while daddy played peek-a-boo with you.

You are growing so fast and
I find myself anxiously awaiting
each milestone as it approaches.

But I'm careful not to wish
the time away because it
goes quickly anyway.

Seeing your sweet face makes
me smile instantly and you
make the hardest days more than
bearable when your face says
you're glad to see me.

June 22, 2010


My Dearest Bloggy Readers,

I apologize for my recent absence from my blog. I honestly thought no one would pay any mind to my hiatus until I received written confirmation of the contrary. A reminder via facebook that two of my readers were waiting with bated breath for my next entry. It was flattering to say the least and gave me just the motivation I needed to update the bloggy world on my recent cavorting.

So please allow me explain my negligence.
All last week, Lela's Grammie was in town to keep me company while Nathan was off at youth camp. We did all sorts of girly things and wore ourselves out as we drug Lela all over the metroplex.

She did pretty good all week but we think she missed her daddy. She did not sleep well the first two nights but gradually got better every night.

My second, and less compelling reason, is that we have VBS this week. That really only explains my absence for yesterday. But that is somewhat deceptive as our VBS is scheduled for the evenings and I haven't accounted for the daytime. Well, I hate to admit this but yesterday, I got caught up in this.

I know, it's shameful! But I can honestly say that my interest in it only comes from the encouragement of our pastor's wife. It would have kept me from the blog today as well but, like I said, the facebook message whipped me into shape.

Well I better scoot considering I have to be at the church in less than an hour! I will write tomorrow, I promise.

June 11, 2010

China Pattern

Today is Show us Your Life at Kelly's Korner and we are sharing our china patterns.
I remember the one thing I wanted to do after I got engaged was go register! There was always something so magical about the scanner gun. You just scan your item and someone will buy it for you! Amazing! I've tried to incorporate this process in my everyday life, but it hasn't worked out so well . . .

Anyway, I really love the china pattern we picked out.

I like that it is simple and elegant and you could add any color in with it if you wanted to.

There is not a crystal pattern that matches it exactly so we just picked one with silver around the top.

When we registered for the china, I felt like I really had to contemplate every aspect of the china and make sure it was something I liked, but I don't think our china has ever been taken out of our china cabinet. Well I take that back. We pulled it out to use for our first Valentine's Day.

But needless to say, the queen doesn't come to visit very often. I think we only have two place settings at our place and my mom has the rest in her attic. It's so pretty, I feel like I need to create more occasions to use it.

June 8, 2010

Answers to the Super Hard Exam

And the answers are . . .

C! . . . on every question.

Only one person missed a question and I'm confident it's because he didn't read all the choices. Anyway, I thought that was a fun idea even though the answers were pretty obvious.

So yes, Nathan is selling his iPhone on Craigslist and it's actually already sold in case you were interested in buying it. He said he felt convicted about spending $30 a month to entertain himself and it's also in response to reading the book Radical by David Platt. We're both reading the book over the summer, but I think I'm going to hold on to my iPhone . . .

Yes I saw Priscilla Shirer (Tony Evans's, pastor of The Potter's House in Dallas, daughter) at Panera Bread on Saturday. Nathan was the one that recognized her but I had my back to her. But he really is more observant of those things than I am. We probably wouldn't have put it together but she was there to interview with someone who is writing a biography of her life. Pretty cool :) (*updated to say* apparently I don't know what I'm talking about. Nathan informed me Tony Evans is the pastor at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship not The Potter's House, sorry :/ )

The last one is not too spectacular but Lela and I had fun hanging out with the pastor's wife Friday night while Nathan went to graduation. Our pastor is currently on a mission trip in Moldova and Romania so I've been keeping her company while he's gone. Nathan has also been fulfilling some of the pastoral duties including preaching this past Sunday and he's done a great job!

Well, yesterday Chick-fil-A officially released their new spicy chicken sandwich and Nathan and I had to get one. (We were somehow out of the loop that Chick-fil-A was giving away free spicy sandwiches the week before the release, but we told ourselves it was cooler to get one on the actual release date to make ourselves feel better :( )

We were both hoping the spicyness would be in the breading and not a spicy sauce under the breading, but alas,
there was sauce.

This is totally random, but I feel like I need to share that I actually shudder at the utterance of the word sauce. I dislike all kinds of condiments (excluding ranch and italian dressing) and sauces definitely fall under that category. It's nearly impossible to tell what's in there without tasting it and I know it won't kill me, but I avoid putting myself through any unpleasant experience and I'm pretty picky, so odds are there's something in there I don't like. But I do LOVE hot sauce. I also love Popeye's spicy chicken and they also go the sauce route, so I was able to get over my automatic sauce gag reflex.

Ok, moving on. At first I didn't think I would like the sandwich because they went the sauce route, but after it cooled a little (temperature wise) I decided it was pretty good. It was definitely spicier than I thought it would be, but not too spicy. Rumor is they're also making spicy nuggets and I'm looking forward to their release!
Has anyone else had the sandwich? What did you think? (See, more evidence of my pickiness, no pickle. I don't do pickles!)

And back by popular demand, more pictures of Lela:

June 7, 2010

Let the iPhone pics tell the story

I don't know where last week went! I was obviously too busy to post on the blog so attempting to read my own posts was of no help to me. So my next step was to peruse my iPhone pics to see what I've been up to. So we'll play a little game! I'll give possible choices as to what the real story is behind the previously posted pictures. You can the leave a comment with your answer choices. Then I'll post the answers later. Sound fun? I think so. (P.S. Anyone involved in the story can't play! I'm thinking the answers will be obvious enough.)

Photo #1
A. I figured out how to take pictures of my own iPhone.
B. I think the iPhone is beautiful and I take pics of other people's iPhones every chance I get.
C. Nathan is selling his iPhone and took the pictures to post on Craig's List.

Photo #2
A. Nathan and I had a good lunch at Panera Bread on Saturday so I decided to document it by taking of a picture of where we sat.
B. I am getting decorating ideas because I want to redecorate my kitchen.
C. Priscilla Shirer was at Panera and I snapped a quick long-range pic on our way out.

Photo #3
A. Another picture of me holding Lela at home.
B. Another attempt to take a picture of a beautiful iPhone.
C. Our pastor's wife holding Lela at her house while her and I are hanging out on Friday night.

As I said, the answers might be obvious but I thought it was a fun way to tell some stories from last week.

Also, I just need to share that we tried to get Lela to sleep in her crib last night but it was an utter failure. She kept waking up every hour! But my mom pointed out that she did the same thing when we first brought her home and had her sleep in her cradle. So maybe we'll try again tonight. I'll let you know how that goes.

I'll post the correct answers for the pictures sometime tomorrow. Good luck! ;)