December 30, 2010

30 for 30 - Day 18-31

I apparently can't count. I thought for sure I had a day or two left of 30 for 30 when we arrived home from Christmas vacation but then after further review, I realized I had gone one day past the required 30 days. Actually the first time I counted I thought I had gone 2 days past, so take some free advice and don't trust me to do your taxes!

Day 18:
I wasn't sure if I was feeling this brown/black combo but I obvious felt ok enough to go with it. Either that or I just didn't care considering I'd see about 2.5 people that day.

Day 19:
Let me take this moment to say, please ignore the faces I make in these pictures. I did my best to look pleasant but I usually didn't remember to take pictures until the end of the day and sometimes I would forget all together and have to do multiple outfits in one night so more often than not the smile was less than genuine.

Day 20:
Using this cardigan as a shirt was a brave choice considering it was already missing three buttons (safety pins used as replacements) and I lost another button that day. I think it is missing more buttons than it has left at this point!

Day 21:
Do you recognize that shirt? Well it's not actually a shirt . . .

Here's my outfit from day 13:
Yes, I wore the skirt as a shirt. I think I felt bad that I had only worn it once and it's such a cute skirt. I think it may even be better as a shirt. Ultimately, I thought it would be fun and creative. It didn't help that it was a windy day though. I don't know what it is about skirts and they're tendency to fly straight up in any kind of wind. This apparently makes no difference if you're wearing the skirt as a shirt. Good to know.

Day 22:
This is what I wore to Andrew's graduation from DBU. I thought the pink cowl would be overkill since it really wasn't that cold outside but I forgot that DBU is in it's own climate and no matter the weather anywhere else it is more extreme and more windy at DBU. So while everyone else in the family was freezing in the gale force winds, I was nice and cozy.

Oh, by the way, I've noticed I have a total of three poses in my modeling arsenal. 1. Hand on one hip, 2. Both hands on hips, 3. No hands on hips. Wow, I'm a natural, if I do say so myself.

Day 23:
This pose obviously falls in to the "hand on hip" category but I apparently thought pushing my hips forward would make it more attractive. I think looking back, it was a poor choice.

Day 24:
This was a traveling day so I didn't feel the need to accessorize. I suppose I could've thrown something on for the picture but I'm all about being upfront and honest ;)

Day 25:
Danielle helped me pick out this outfit and she also let me borrow her circular scarf/cowl thing. I'm not sure of the correct name for it.

Day 26:
Then I was inspired to get creative and wear my scarf like a vest. I have to admit this was not my original thought. In fact, I should probably take this moment to confess the skirt shirt was not my idea either. This girl inspired me on both accounts:

I might say that she's got the modeling thing down a little better than I do, but I wouldn't take it that far ;)

Day 27:
I'm apparently partial to the "one hand on hip"pose. I think I've decided it's the most flattering.

Day 28:
I chose Christmas Eve to redeem the green shirt and I think it was a success. But I will say this picture looks like I'm about to sing at a karaoke piano lounge. I blame it on the angle of the picture and late hour that made me think posing next to the piano was a good idea.

Day 29:
This look was also inspired by Sydney at the Daybook. She also inspired me to do the whole 30 for 30 thing so she has been my guide through the whole journey.

I got this brown belt from Stephen for Christmas. I think it helped that I picked it out for him ;) Thanks Stephen!

Day 30:
You can see here I braved the nearly buttonless cardigan as a shirt. I think it's more from laziness rather than bravery.

Day 31:
I was so proud to call this my last day (I thought) of my 30 for 30, but little did I know that I had gone one day past my commitment 30 outfits. But this was our last day in San Antonio and I only brought 30 for 30 clothes so I suppose I would've had a superfluous outfit whether I wanted to or not.

I will now add an unprompted picture of Lela to please the masses:
This is sadly the only picture I have of Lela at Christmas. She loved Christmas at Grandma's though. She would open one present, put it in her mouth and then she'd move on to the next present. We also took her to a movie for the first time but I don't think she enjoyed that as much :/

We are now spending Christmas with Grammie and Pawpaw. But I'm already getting grief for spending so much time working on the blog so guess I'll talk about that later.

December 28, 2010

30 for 1

This is Nathan's attempt at humor. In competition to 30 for 30, he and his brothers thought it would be funny to do 30 for 1. 30 items of clothing for 1 day.

December 13, 2010

30 for 30 - Day 11-19? or 17?

So I think I've decided I'm not the type that can blog everyday. Gross understatement? I think so! I know it's what the people want but I can't seem to be organized enough to do it.

So here we go on the marathon post to catch up on 30 for 30.

Day 11:
I just realized I sort of teased you in my last post and put a "Day 11:" and then no picture under it. I had planned on posting this on the previous post but forgot and thus you were left hanging, sorry.

We put up all our Christmas decorations on this day and that has to be one of my favorite things! (along with bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens of course!). It was even more fun with Lela "helping."
Day 12:
Saturday we went to a birthday party for a friend whose daughter turned one year old! It was Lela's first birthday party. So much fun! I felt the flower in my hair had a very birthday party vibe, so I went with it.

Day 13:
I was really liking that necklace. I think this is it's third appearance?

Day 14:
Another day in which minimal people saw my outfit. I think it was just our realtor that saw it. Yes, I said realtor. More on that later.

Day 15 . . . or not
Well, I thought this would be day 15, until I recognized the striking resemblance to day 6!
Yeah, I don't think that counts and I guess I should scroll through pictures before I get dressed! The sad thing is I totally could have made it a new outfit if I'd picked a different cardigan. Oh well, life and learn.

Day 15 . . . nope I got you again.
This is what I wore to church Wednesday night and everything is in compliance with the 30 for 30 selections except the brown boots which I did not choose. Also I look a little crazy because it was our youth Christmas party and we were supposed to dress up as Christmasy as possible. I also wore our tree skirt like a skirt. I don't know why I'm not wearing it in the picture.

This is what Nathan wore that night. He was a cowboys Santa Claus. It was a big hit with the youth.

Day 15 . . . for reals
This is the day we signed a contract on a new house! Yay! I had no idea it was possible for us to purchase a home at this point in our lives but it all just fell into place. It was definitely a God thing.

Day 16:
I don't remember much about this day so I have nothing left to say.

Day 17:
I love that you can see the mess of our house in the background. I'm just keepin' it real. Actually "real" is a lot worse than what is depicted in this photo.

Well, that's all I've got. Hopefully we'll talk again before Christmas, but if not, Merry Christmas!

December 3, 2010

30 for 30 - Day 8, 9, and 10

Day 8:
Unfortunately, only the fine patrons at Walmart had the privilege of seeing this outfit.

Day 9:
On Tuesday, I stayed in my pajamas all day, so I skipped that day. So this is from Wednesday.

It's interesting how taking full-length pictures of yourself gives you a good idea of what's flattering on you. This is definitely not one of them. I feel like this shirt adds bulk to me. It also sort of looks like an apron. Maybe I failed in my outwear choices. I'll try again and see how it goes.

Day 10:
I have a feeling I'm going to want to wear this shirt a lot in the next 20 days. I got it right before I started 30 for 30 for my birthday and I think it has become a favorite. It's so good for the holidays too!

Day 11:

So, now it's storytime. The other day, I was doing things around the house and got thirsty and noticed my water cup still sitting out from lunch so I went to grab it and take a drink. I saw what I thought was a fly on the rim of the glass so I went to shoo the fly and then realized . . .

. . . that's not a fly!! I know that spider is tiny but it is scary lookin'!! I actually waited for Nathan to come home and take care of the spider. I am surprised I got that close to get a picture of it. I didn't even want to touch the cup!

Ok, one more story, because I know that's why you came. Lately the crib is only place we can put Lela and leave her and know that she's completely safe. But she always cries as soon as we leave the room. Sometimes she calms down and can play a little bit but she really hates to be in there by herself. Well, one day during lunch we put her in there and we knew she was tired but we figured she would just cry the whole time. But she got quiet for a while and Nathan went in there to check on her and this is what he found:

She has NEVER put herself to sleep like that. She must have been really tired!

Ok, that's all I got. Have a happy weekend :)

November 28, 2010

30 for 30 - Day 5, 6, and 7

Day 5:
I don't think I got dressed on Friday until 2:00 pm. I was working on a very ambitious Christmas present project for the better part of the day. Don't ask. Then, later in the day, I went shopping with the girls. Lela came with us and had so much fun! She was wanting to walk everywhere and people would stop and tell us how cute she was. Everything is more fun with a baby :)

Day 6:
We traveled home on Saturday and I didn't get dressed that day until 3:00. We actually played football in the front yard. I don't think I had ever done that before. It was an experience. I think you can tell how tired I am in the picture.

Day 7:
It's good to be home, but our Thanksgiving holiday went too quickly! We're decorating the sanctuary for Christmas at church tonight. I love Christmas decorations! It should be fun :)

November 25, 2010

30 for 30 - Day 3 & 4

Day 3:
After riding a jet ski and getting the whole bottom half of my body wet, I determined that it is smarter to take these pictures at the beginning of the day. I don't think I've ever been so hard on my clothes as I have been during this 30 for 30 thing. It must be a mind thing.

Day 4:
So I took the picture earlier today. Please ignore the silver shoes. As you may remember, I did select brown shoes for my 30 for 30, but I did not include them in my thanksgiving packing.

And of course guess who had to be in at least one picture :) Happy Thanksgiving!

November 23, 2010

30 for 30 - Day 2

Confession time . . . I didn't wear the flower in my hair all day. My sweet friend Molly made it for me and she came by and delivered it around 5:30 and so I put it in my hair for the picture because it matched. She makes lots of pretty things. You can click here to go to her blog.

I have a feeling that some of the flowers that were meant to be for me will end up being Lela's flowers tho. I guess that happens when you have kids.

Ok peeps, I'm going to bed :)

Eight Months Old

Lela, you are eight months old today!
  • You weigh 17.5 pounds.
  • You wear 6 month clothes and some 6-9 month clothes.
  • You are in size 3 diapers.
  • You crawl all over the place! And you walk along the edge of the couch and the coffee table. Sometimes you let go with both hands and try to stand without support. I'm going to blink one day and you'll be walking!!
  • A couple weeks ago you starting waking up in the middle of the night and then you were restless all night. But the last couple nights you're back to sleeping through the night. Hopefully it stays that way :)
  • You breastfeed every three hours but I'm trying to stretch you to every four hours.
  • You still eat one or two meals a day. We tried three meals but you were getting constipated :/
  • You go back and forth on taking naps. You are actually napping now, but it's the first one in two days.
  • You love to makes noises with your mouth and imitate what Daddy and I say.
  • You have just started to show signs of separation anxiety from me and sometimes you will reach for me to hold you.
I can't believe it's been eight months! Before I know it you'll be eighteen!!